Where divinity and humanity meet.
The intersection of our divinity and our humanity lives in our ever-growing capacity to feel EVERYTHING and to experience what we feel with neutrality (love).
This is our divine directive we are all living out in our human bodies. This is our commonness in an otherwise relatively solitary journey toward realization. (I say solitary because once you are on YOUR path it becomes very clear that no one else will ever be on your path with you, and you could not possibly ever be on someone else’s path with them).
This is also why I have such a laser sharp focus on emotional intelligence in my work.
Throughout our lives, we experience patterns which will guide us along our way; different situations which carry a particular energetic imprint that is familiar to us. Usually these patterns are CHARGED. They activate both our core limiting beliefs and our reactivity (both of which prevent us from feeling our feelings).
Patterns serve to help us gain consciousness (because oh hey this is familiar I’ve seen it before!) and subsequently, are invitations to build our capacity to feel more deeply and more totally (think every cell of your body, your organs, your muscles and bones, your blood, and eventually, your energetic field/subtle body).
The more we can feel without suppression, repression, rejection, judgment, reactivity, the more neutralized life becomes. The more neutralized life is, the more apparent it is that love exists in all things; that all is love.
I am frequently asked about patterns which repeat themselves as though this is some kind of indicator of failure.
“I thought I got this lesson the last time?”
“Why does this keep happening to me?”
It is true that patterns will repeat themselves until we get the memo. But the memo is not instructing us to control our life circumstances to avoid the experience “in the future” and manipulate the outcome. There is no future to avoid. It’s a directive to feel something NOW more deeply than we may have had the capacity to last time.
If we don’t have the capacity to feel something totally the first few times, it’s almost inevitable that the energetic imprint of that experience will eventually rear its head again later under slightly different circumstances. And it will continue to repeat itself until you develop your capacity to feel the feelings associated with that experience from total presence (that means with no blame, not even self-directed blame).
Because, you see, feelings demand to be felt.
It’s through feeling that we can know compassion and faith and humility and vulnerability and gratitude and god.
No feeling, no god. Know feeling, know god. It’s really that simple. (And by the way, it’s not that god doesn’t exist if you don’t feel, it’s just that you will remain ignorant to the existence of god in all things, including yourself, so long as you don’t allow yourself to feel.)
And. You may come a long way and carry on with your life and be spiritually evolving and joyful and all is well and then an old familiar “friend” in the form of a pattern you thought was history could sideswipe you out of the blue.
It’s alluring to think yourself a failure or scream into space “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME AGAIN?!”
But my love, it’s not happening to you, it’s happening for you, and it’s possible that this time the pattern isn’t repeating, it’s completing.
Or at least that’s what’s available.
A pattern repeats when we run away, bury our feelings, react in a way which creates negative karma (blame).
A pattern completes when we feel it all and take right action.
Sometimes feeling it all means riding a wave for days or weeks or months. My beloved friend and former mentor Alexandra Stockwell used to call it “befriending your emotions” back when I was learning to feel grief and rage and vulnerability and betrayal for the very first time. Each time I befriended a new feeling I discovered new depths of compassion, humility, gratitude, vulnerability, and faith.
Right action can look like forgiveness, repair, and leaning in, or it can look like firm, clear boundaries and closing a connection. And pretty much anything in between which is an authentic gesture from your heart’s deepest yearnings and which is ultimately in service to your soul.
Right action is not always understood or appreciated by all parties involved.
And neither is your pursuit to feel your feelings totally.
I have to constantly remind myself that although learning to feel totally is very much at the core of our collective journey and my personal experience, most are delightfully unaware that it’s a part of theirs.
Most people will do whatever it takes to not feel.
Feeling is too painful. Numbing is much more accessible. Distractions abound allllll over the internet and out in the world.
Sex, drugs, money, alcohol, sugar, video games, social media, jobs we hate, other people’s drama and business, the news…to name a few.
The fastest way forward is inward.
When you take your attention off what’s happening out there and you redirect it to what’s happening in here, expansion of consciousness (and your ability to access inner peace) accelerates, rapidly.