Antesa Jensen

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Who are you today?

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

I don't know about you, but when I see my friends, even after only a few days, I often feel like years have gone by since we last saw one another.

I frequently have the experience of needing and wanting to get to know them anew because of this weird hole in time we both seem to go through between visits. This is one of the areas of my life where I really juice my curiosity muscle: I never assume people are the same as they were yesterday (mostly because I'm quite clear I'm definitely not the same as I was yesterday, and want to afford others the same expectation).

So rather than assume people stay the same, I assume they are constantly changing. Because change really is our birthright.

I recently had a client speak to me in such a way that it was clear that most of the problem he was trying to articulate came from the way he had cornered himself in his own mis-construed self-identity. He had decided years ago that he was a certain way, and ever since, he was chained to that way of being. He wasn't allowing himself to change (and as a result, neither were the people around him).

I gave him the challenge in that session to ask himself every morning: "Who am I today?" and he was blown away by the results of that simple question.

Suddenly he felt free to be just about anything, and after a period of stuckness, things started moving swiftly for him again, and deeper on his journey he went.

My invitation to you today is to ask yourself this same question:

Who are you today?

Maybe while you're at it, ask it to your friends, your partner, your parents, and even your children. Allow them to answer it. See where life takes you when guided by this really curious question!

I'd love to hear who you are today if you'd like to contact me and let me know. Let's delight one another with our answers.