Antesa Jensen

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Do you know what your needs are?

Self-care is central to my entire life for really important reasons. With a high level of energetic sensitivity paired with massive energetic output in the form of prayer, transmission, and coaching, scheduling time to clear out and restore is vital for me.

My self-care is my biggest non-negotiable, as it ensures that I can fully optimize my energetic output without detriment to my wellbeing.

There was a time though where I didn't have a clear self-care strategy and when prompted about my needs, I didn't have an answer. My life was one big pendulum swinging between hyper over-extension and total depletion. Rinse and repeat.

Knowing and taking care of your needs is core to any healing work and all transformation. Transformation isn't all rainbows and peak experiences and chasing your edges. Yes, adversity. And also yes, retreat and integration.


Floating is at the top of my self-care strategy list and is a perfect balance to my hungry pursuit for growth and service.

I'm thrilled to have been interviewed about why floating is so key for me in Hendes Verden, a Danish magazine for women, and got to talk about my favorite floating studio in Copenhagen, Copenhagen Float.

If you're in CPH and haven't tried floating yet, get 20% off your first float using code ANTESA20.